Something tells us we are not in Kansas anymore; Senator Pat Roberts wins over tea party or so they say; to tell you the truth can't tell the difference between traditional GOP over tea Party since both are the same.
Governor Brown back has destroyed the state of Kansas with the extreme Tea Party leadership and building a tax free state. Since he has been in office, schools have closed down, teachers and students uprooted from their district schools, billions in debt, poor job creation and their bond rating has gone down. The economy is so bad that even over 100 GOP local Kansas legislature representatives are voting for the Democrat Paul Davis in this Governors race, unreal. You know its really bad when your party is voting against you in elections 2014. This is a wake call for America, this is the Reaganomics national GOP model of no taxes, no regulations, extreme conservatism; and it has been an economic and social experiment failure. America under George Bush had a tax cut model for 8 years for wealthy and corporations, no infrastructure building, huge funds for defense; with no revenue we had huge deficits. Now since Obama managed a small tax increase in 2012, the deficit is the lowest it has been in decades. If you take money on a credit card and collect no TAX REVENUE for eight years you will never pay down debt. Instead be forced to borrow more money, that is what GOP policies have done for eight years under Bush; in addition to extreme spending on two unpaid wars and an expensive unpaid Medicare Drug prescription program.
Clinton knew how to run an economy that is why in the 1990s the economy was good; but after 2000 when Bush came in there was a neglect of domestic policies and everything was concentrated in Iraq and Afghanistan. The President has been in office for six years but has had only two years of implementing and passing legislation through Congress. The President has not had a real partner ship with people willing to work with him; instead they have gone overboard in rhetoric calling him lawless for passing less executive orders than any other President; simply because he has to get some laws changed and done in Washington DC. If you don't have a working partner that prefers to do what is good for the country but is more interested in partisan politics; both sides can not work together to pass laws.
President Obama if he is so lawless why hasn't immigration reform been done yet, why hasn't his job bill been passed?, why hasn't his infrastructure bill been passed? American people should ask these questions and when they do ; they will know that the GOP has engaged in rhetoric, lies and distortions of his executive orders. No President can pass any new laws or executive orders that create new laws. All Presidents have power of executive orders that involves changing existing laws only. Congress is the only body of government that is supposed to pass laws; since the Tea Party and Ted Cruz got elected into the Senate; these two have controlled Boehner led GOP House. If GOP gets the Senate there is no doubt; impeachment is on the table as told by Steve KING of Iowa. I bet Iowa is proud of what they have in their Congress.
Don't get discouraged this election cycle make your voice heard and vote in 2014.
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